Games and Carnivals
Times: NetSetGO/Junior games begin at 8am, then games are played at 8am, 9am, 10am,11am, 12pm and 1pm.
Carnivals are held throughout the year by different associations. Helensvale Netball Club will ask that our teams support NGCNA by attending their carnival.
Carnivals are a great way for teams to play other teams from various associations. Our Carnival Coordinator will advise Coaches and Managers of upcoming Carnivals.
Wet Weather
Cancellation of games due to wet weather or extreme heat is inevitable. NGCNA notifies each club when a decision is made to cancel games. However if a 9am game is cancelled this doesn‘t mean the 10am game will be. Washed out Junior games will be rescheduled to a Friday evening whilst Nova games aren‘t rescheduled as there are no points involved. A message will be placed on our club mobile phone 0451 604 277.
BASICALLY GO TO NETBALL UNLESS YOU HEAR OTHERWISE. It is often not raining there when it is raining here. Check with your coach if unsure.
Umpires are an essential part of netball. See a committee member if you are inter-ested in umpiring. Umpires from Helensvale Netball Club are paid for U10 games and upwards. U7, U8, and U9 coaches umpire their own games as they are often coaching as they go. Umpires get paid a small amount per game.
Please remember that without these young beginner umpires there would be no games. They do their best and should be respected at all times.
Club Duty Day
Every club has duty days during the season. This involves setting up all courts with post pads, bringing in post pads after the last game played, putting bins out and generally cleaning up. Your help on these days is appreciated to make these jobs easier for all involved.