
Restrictions for sport, recreation, and fitness organisations

Getting Queenslanders active is a key priority. Restarting activities in stages will ensure we keep everyone safe, healthy and moving.

A staged approach

This staged approach is in line with directions from National Cabinet and Queensland’s Roadmap to easing restrictions. As the end of each stage approaches, we will review the situation and health advice to make sure it’s safe to move on to the next stage. It is not guaranteed that all parts of Stage 3 will be able to be implemented.

Read the Return to Play Guide for Queensland sport, recreation and fitness industries to see what your organisation should do to return to play. The guide will be continually updated to reflect current Queensland COVID-19 restrictions.

At all stages the maximum number of people includes players, coaches, spectators and any other person around the gathering in addition to staff, trainers and instructors.

Stage 2: from 1 June 2020

This stage expands the restrictions from Stage 1:

  • groups of 20 (includes all players, coaches and spectators)
  • non-contact, indoor and outdoor activities and community sports clubs
  • gyms, health clubs, yoga studios
  • canteens where the COVID-19 checklist for dining has been completed
  • unlimited travel and overnight stays for all of Queensland (except Biosecurity Areas or Restricted Areas)
  • camping or overnight accommodation.

A number of COVID Safe Industry Plans for sport, recreation and fitness are being developed to cover all operations across the industry in Queensland.

These plans will seek approval for flexibility regarding the restrictions on behalf of all clubs and organisations within the sector including, where appropriate, allowing more participants and spectators than specified in the roadmap.

The approved Industry Plans will provide a checklist and guidance material including information on health and hygiene, facility management and physical distancing measures.

The COVID Safe Industry Plans for sport, recreation and fitness are currently being considered.


This includes team, individual and non-contact activities.

Indoor sports

  • 1.5 metres between people.
  • Non-contact activity permitted for up to 20 people.


  • Pools can operate for up to 20 people.


  • Spectators and non-essential personnel should be minimised however if spectators do attend training or competitions in any stage, they are to be considered within the specified limit of people for that stage.

Camping or day trips

  • Unlimited travel and overnight stays for all of Queensland (except Biosecurity Areas or Restricted Areas).
  • Recreational travel, camping in camping grounds overnight or for multiple nights, accommodation (including caravan parks).

Families and groups

  • Family and friends can gather in groups of up to 20 people in outdoor settings and participate in all activities mentioned above with the addition of camping.

Outdoor gyms and equipment

  • Outdoor gyms and equipment permitted to operate with up to 20 people.

Personal training (indoor and outdoor)

  • Indoor and outdoor non-contact personal training with up to 20 people and with 4 square metres per person when indoors.

Indoor gyms, studios and health clubs

  • Permitted to open with up to 20 people (more with COVID SAFE Plan approved by health authorities) and with 4 square metres per person when indoors.

Stage 3: from 10 July 2020

This stage is focussed on returning to more normal operation:

  • gatherings of up to 100 people
  • community sport (contact and non-contact)
  • indoor personal training (1 person per 4 square metres)
  • dining in (including canteens)
  • gyms, health clubs, yoga studios (4 square metres per person when indoors)
  • competitions/events (up to 100 people).


  • 1.5 metres between people.
  • Standard activity permitted to occur for up to 100 people.


  • Spectators and non-essential personnel should be minimised however if spectators do attend training or competitions in any stage, they are to be considered within the specified limit of people for that stage.

Families and groups

  • Family and friends will be able to gather in a group of 100 (subject to further planning and review by the Queensland Government).

Outdoor gyms and equipment

  • Outdoor gyms and equipment permitted to operate with up to 100 people.

Indoor gyms, studios and health clubs

  • Permitted to open with up to 100 people and with 4 square metres per person when indoors.

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